Lead Sheet Symbols: Everything You Need To Know

If you have played any piece other than the classical ones, you would have come across the lead sheet symbols notations in your music. You just might not have realized what it is and why is it used.

Lead sheet symbols are present in blues, jazz and pop music. These symbols tell us what chord is to be played with our left hand so that we don’t have to rewrite the actual notes and chords. It is important to identify the chord symbols in order to learn to play them easily on the piano.

There are various type of chords which can be played on a piano and each chord is uniquely noted in lead sheets. The major chords are notated with a capital letter and minor chords are notated with small letters. Augmented chords are represented with capital letters along with a ‘+’ sign. The diminished chords with small letters along with a ‘-’ sign. 

You might face some confusion in identifying symbols for the chords. You can remember them easily by remembering that major and augmented chord are notated with capital letters and the other two with small letters. Try understanding these lead sheet symbols and master the chord.